The Power of Gratitude at Work and Why You Need It

The Power of Gratitude at Work and Why You Need It

The Power of Gratitude at Work and Why You Need It! Yes, it’s that season where you hear so much about Gratitude and being more grateful. But what if it actually gives you an advantage as a woman in business or an emerging leader who aspires to leadership? It...
The Power of Gratitude at Work and Why You Need It!

The Power of Gratitude at Work and Why You Need It!

The Power of Gratitude at Work and Why You Need It!Nov 23, 2021 | Podcast Audio Podcast The Power of Gratitude at Work and Why You Need It! Gratitude is simply when you acknowledge the goodness in your life, even when some of that goodness comes in the form of a tough...
Linda Stevenson on the Getting to Clarity Podcast

Linda Stevenson on the Getting to Clarity Podcast

Linda Stevenson on the Getting to Clarity Podcast Audio Podcast Linda Stevenson Join Debbie as she interviews Linda Stevenson of ATHENA Erie. Linda is a long-time advocate for women in business and dedicates her time and talents to supporting women in business to...