3 Strategies for Building Up Emotional Resilience at Work

Jun 18, 2022

We all know that we women are tough. We can handle just about anything that’s thrown our way, and that’s because we are used to taking on a lot. Sometimes too much, if we’re honest. We get lost trying to focus on everything and spread ourselves too thin. If we aren’t careful, the emotions that we feel will take a toll.

But sometimes, even the strongest women need a little help when it comes to maintaining emotional resilience at work. Building up your emotional resilience can help you stay positive and focused when things get tough and will make it easier for you to recover quickly from any setbacks.

Maybe you’re experiencing a tough day, dealing with a difficult client, or feeling overwhelmed by a project; it’s essential to have some tools in your arsenal to help you manage your emotions.

Here are three strategies that can help you stay positive and focused, even when things don’t go as planned:

  1. Don’t try to do it all

Women are often natural-born leaders. But that doesn’t mean we have to try to do everything ourselves. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, delegate tasks and ask for help from those around you, you’ll be surprised how much lighter your load will feel when you’re not shouldering all the responsibility yourself.

My strategy for this is to DO it, DELEGATE it, or DELETE it. First, write out everything you need to do on one master list. Then create three columns. One column is you DO it, which means no one else can take it off your plate. The second column is DELEGATE it, which means you find someone else to do it or do most of it for you. The third column is the DELETE it, meaning that you take it off your list or it gets pushed out to the future and scheduled, so it doesn’t get missed.

Now, you divide what you have on your list equally among the three columns.

So if you feel you’re in over your head, remember to ask for help. It’s not a weakness to delegate or outsource; it’s smart leadership.

  1. Be mindful of your emotions

Emotions aren’t bad; they are just energy in motion. This energy travels through us for a purpose. To provide a sign that there is something we need to be aware of and deal with differently. Emotions are messengers of sorts. But, we are only meant to experience them for a period of time – not forever. Emotions are intended to pass through us – not stay with us. But that’s not always what happens.

If you are getting bogged down by emotion, be mindful of what you’re feeling and ask what may be in this for you. Asking questions to find out what is underneath the emotion will give you new information to act on going forward.

Journaling is a great way to ask these questions and uncover what your emotions may be trying to tell you. So, grab a journal and write out everything, and I mean everything, that is on your mind. Don’t judge or change your words; just let it out, writing a stream of consciousness. Ask yourself, “Why am I feeling this way?” and “What else am I feeling?” and pay attention to what pops into your mind. Keep going until you empty out.

  1. Take time for yourself every day.

This may seem like an impossible task when you’re juggling a million things at work, but carving out even just 10 minutes for yourself can make a world of difference. Use that time to do something that makes you happy and helps you relax. Whether reading, going for a walk, or listening to music, find something that brings you joy and stick to it.

Even getting enough sleep can hugely impact what you can withstand because you can’t be resilient if you’re running on fumes. Getting enough sleep is crucial to our physical and mental health, yet many of us don’t get nearly enough. If you’re finding it hard to get enough shut-eye, consider changing your bedtime routine or bedroom environment. Establishing a regular sleep schedule can also be helpful.

It can be tough to manage our emotions at work, especially when we’re feeling overwhelmed. But with a few simple strategies, we can start to build up our emotional resilience and feel better equipped to handle whatever comes our way. The three techniques we’ve shared are easy to implement and can make a big difference in how we feel day-to-day. So why not give them a try? What strategy resonates with you the most? Share below – let’s help each other out!


P.S. Oh, and if you ever find yourself saying that you’ll just “power through it” or, “suck it up, buttercup!” you might want to check out my next Women’s Leadership Masterclass, Tools for Emotional Resiliency at Work.

Yes, you’re a strong woman, but if you keep telling yourself, “you don’t have time to deal with this right now,” it will catch up with you. Join me and discover to confidently navigate what you are dealing with at work. Register at www.IDeserveClarity.com.


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