Knowing Who You Are and How It Impacts Your Leadership and Career

Mar 1, 2022

Who you are as a person affects every area of your life, especially the impact you can make in your career, business, or leadership journey. Why? Because it’s the foundation of who you are and what makes you uniquely you.

Think about it, who you are, and bringing that authentic self forward into your work determines the gifts you share and cultivate, how you show up in your organization, what you ask for, how you create and enforce your standards – all of it!

How can you possibly expect to contribute and serve others in your organization, from either a leadership perspective or as a high-potential employee, if you don’t know who it is “walking in the door”?

Organizations need different people, skills, personalities, and leadership styles to run well. We can’t all be the same because there is no momentum or growth. However, when we recognize our differences and allow them to build upon each other by ideating and brainstorming solutions and enhancements, the organization thrives.

So who are you when walking in the door at work? Is it the same person as at home? With family or friends? What do you bring in the door at work so you can contribute and show up as your highest and best self?

If this question has you scratching your head, then some self-awareness is required to find out.

When you have an understanding of who you are and create standards, so you are showing up this way, then you make better choices. You can better manage yourself, your behaviors, and your relationships. It is the bedrock of your self-leadership so that you can continue to show up and lead others, whether that is your vocation or avocation.

Here are some areas to explore to tap into your true identity. 

Your Personality

What is your basic personality? How does your personality affect how you show up at work? One of my favorite assessments is the Predictive Index Assessment, and I use it with all of my coaching clients. It gives you an overview of your personality and how your personality manifests in your current role through your motivations and, therefore, your behavior. In addition, it gives you great feedback about how you are hardwired and where some growth opportunities may be for you.

Your Values

Either you are clear and living your values in your career, or you are living by someone else’s. Do you know what is important to you and must be present in your career experience? Maybe it’s having growth opportunities. It could be to be challenged in your role. Are you someone who wants meaning in their work? Do you need to help others as part of the work you do? These aren’t part of your job description but they are equally important to be aware of because they impact your participation at work.

Your Strengths & Weaknesses

You don’t have to be the master of the entire Universe, but you need to be clear about which areas you excel in and those you are better off delegating to someone else. You need to play to your strengths, but first, you have to know what those are. What is your superpower? Everyone and I mean everyone, has at least one. What is easy for you to do? What lights you up, to the point you could get lost in doing it? If you’re not sure, there are plenty of books that can guide you, but I feel curiosity can guide you as well. Pay attention to what lights you up, as well as what sucks the life out of you. That’s essential information. A conversation with people who know you well, such as family, friends, and co-workers, can also answer questions about what they see as your strengths. Cultivate these when you find out!

Your Passions

What are your passions? What do you stand for? What do you stand against? What is important to you that you feel strongly about it in your life. Make a list of these answers. Ask yourself what is fulfilling and meaningful to you. For instance, think of a time, a specific time when you were totally and completely motivated! You were in total flow. What was going on? Follow the threads of curiosity around what you enjoy and what you are interested in, and look for the patterns.

Your Vision for the Future

Be open and curious with yourself and create a vision for where you want to be in one year. You can do this through journaling or perhaps even a vision board, and here are some of the things you will want to pay attention to for this exercise. Consider what is working in your life and that you wish to keep. Also, consider what isn’t working in your career or life and what you want to let go of. Finally, identify what will have changed for you in one year, and then consider the person you need to be for that to happen.

Until the next time, here’s wishing you all the Clarity you deserve!


How much do you want to become the person you identified in your vision?

If you’re not clear or if you’d like help and support to move towards the person in your vision or explore Predictive Index, then grab some time on my calendar at


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