I’m a lucky girl. I’ve always been a lucky girl and I now realize I have so much to be grateful for but that wasn’t always the case. My life was full – I had a great husband and family, a good job and a great paycheck, a beautiful home, I traveled, shopped – you know, the stuff that most people feel they need to do and have but there was still something missing.
As a student of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), a question that often comes up is what do you want to Be, Do, And Have? In my life I had the “do” and “have” down but I didn’t have the “be”. Who did I want to be? What did I want to be when I grew up? What is my purpose? That was the question that haunted me and I couldn’t answer it. I was put on this earth for a reason, why can’t I figure out what it is? I can see others who have found their purpose, who have jobs and careers that they love – why can’t I? I had thousands of hours of training in NLP and Huna, my personal development was a priority but I was just getting more frustrated.
Then I decided it was time to try something different. I gave myself the time and space to disconnect from the busyness of my life and allowed myself to just be. I noticed what brought me that feeling of lightness and focused on that. I started to dream again. I let go of the doubt and negative thoughts related to my “inability to find purpose” and instead adopted an attitude of curiosity. One helpful book was The Passion Test by Janet Bray Attwood and Christ Attwood. The authors have created a neat exercise which was published in the Oprah Magazine that you can take to help you start focusing on who you would like to be.
You also need to know that there is a reason I titled this particular post The Journey of Finding Your Purpose because it is just that – a journey. It takes time and work but it’s rewarding. My journey has been an amazing so far and the reason Getting to Clarity was created – to help women like you.
What will you dream?